
Contractors  Rights

Under the terms of all Contracts, and indeed under the Construction Act, the contractor and/or subcontractor has rights relating to payments being withheld these circumstances  can lead to a contractor/subcontractor suffering cash flow problems or enable him to instigate claims or dispute proceedings.

Establishing the Entitlements

N10 Global work on behalf of our clients in establishing the reasons for delayed or withheld payments and to determine the justification and remedies. Often in the case of subcontractors especially, they are not fully aware of their rights, or unable to efficiently prepare, submit and negotiate claims and programme related documentation; and then successfully follow up those submissions.


N10 Global will investigate the status of required notices, where notices are required to be submitted, in cases where the correct notices might not have been submitted in a timely manner. However it is worth bearing in mind that even if the notices are non compliant, there are legal ways to recover moneys owed to the contractor/subcontractor. For the claims submission we establish cause and effect by perusal of contemporaneous records.


N10 Global have long experience in establishing the rights and entitlements of contractors in accordance with the Contract. Subsequently claims documentation together with back up documents are prepared and submitted.

Whilst there are no guarantees that claims will always be successful, experience has shown that it is very necessary to implement and follow through these procedures. Well prepared professionally submitted documents has to result in serious consideration by the Client/Employer and in most cases leads to negotiation and settlement; as contractors generally do not wish to enter a dispute situation if this can be avoided. N10 Global will also evaluate and quantify the claim.


N10 Global initially review all of the related documentation and prepare an overview report, which will summarise initial opinions on the justification or otherwise of the payment shortfalls. N10 Global will outline to our client the recommended actions to follow in the report.

At every stage of our work it is of utmost importance that we work closely with our clients management team, in order to properly monitor the financial progress of the project and in order to discuss, formulate and implement joint strategies for the most beneficial outcome


N10 Global operate different fee schemes for their services where further work is commissioned; this can either comprise a flat monthly fee, or on the basis of verifiable hours worked. In certain cases the system of a lower fee and percentage of monies recovered basis can be agreed.


Trouble shooting

A most important function we carry out for our clients is to undertake identification of urgent and vital issues  impacting a contractors cash flow.

Our team can insert into a project in order to identify where action is needed  to  assist the contractor in formulating strategies  to effect recovery of outstanding monies.

We are experienced in this important function; and can put in place systems and management tools to remedy financial shortfalls.


Management of the variation account has always traditionally been problematic. Variations and changes might not always be instructed by a Client/Employer, but often arise as a result of imposed changes or delays. Management of all these issues, notices, correspondence and associated record keeping all require careful attention, and the consequential delay analysis actions leading to successful claims submissions and cost evaluations. All of these critical duties can be managed by N10 Global.